On March 28th, when the summer air travel season officially begins, Iberia  began to offer direct flights from Spain to Los Angeles, California. It is the Spanish airline’s first new route under the Joint Business agreement with American Airlines and British Airways to coordinate coverage of North Atlantic routes.Iberia has scheduled direct Madrid-Los Angeles flights on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. In addition, Iberia offers excellent connections via Boston, Chicago, and New York every day of the week under a code-share arrangement with American Airlines.

Rafael Sanchez-lozano, Iberia Chief Executive, said good bye to the clients of this first flight, and his comment was ” from now on Wester Cost of U.S. is closer to Spain. The new flight is a great contribution for the tourism for both sides and also brings Californian and Spanish companies nearer” this one will increas the trade exchange between both communities, because many companies will decide to expand their business and they will be able to visit the new investors.

Nowadays, Iberia has busy of the flight which goes to L.A., and they think to open more flights during the week. SO Iberia is consolidating the U.S. as the biggest market the airline in the long haul. In 2011 Iberia will offer a total of 1,164,000 seats between Spain and the U.S., representing an increase of 13 percent over 2010.

HollywoodNews.com: Oscar®-winning actress Penélope Cruz received her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today, Apr. 1, in front of the El Capitan Theatre, 6834 Hollywood Boulevard.

According to an EPK.TV press release, the star was bestowed in anticipation of Cruz’s upcoming film, “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” which is expected to be released in theaters on May 20, 2011.Johnny Depp, Rob Marshall, Jerry Bruckheimer and Cruz’s husband Javier Bardem were to make appearances at today’s dedication.

Cruz has appeared in more than 40 films since her debut in the 1992 Spanish film “Jamon, Jamon.” She is the first actress from Spain to be nominated and to win an Oscar. Cruz was nominated for her roles in “Volver” and “Nine,” and won for her role as María Elena in 2008’s “Vicky Cristina Barcelona.”

Cruz married fellow actor and “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” co-star Bardem in 2010, and gave birth to their first son on January 22, 2011.

Congratulations to Penélope on her star on the Walk of Fame!

Image by PR Photo

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The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Miguel Sebastian, last March 22, 2011 presented in New York Plan balance Made in / by Spain in America, launched in March 2009. The Plan has served to open and build a new stage in economic and trade relations between Spain and the largest economy in the world, in a climate of friendship and trust to be maintained and strengthened. Whose ultimate goal was to improve the perception that the U.S. had on the Spanish economy and technological development of companies and products in our marketplace.

One of the great achievements of this project has been the succeed in corporate support in every initiative taken. The Result has been the implementation of Spain Business Forum (SBF), an alliance of Spanish companies with interests in the United States, segmented by sector, used to share strategies and experiences in a highly competitive market.

This initiative has been reflected in the Internet and social networking with the creation of a shared virtual forum SBF enterprises which have already been discharged from 283 companies with U.S. interests and maintaining an effective communication between them.

The coordination of the five Spanish economic and trade offices in the U.S. aim to end in 2012, there is not a single American state that has not been visited by any Spanish director or senior to show the offer of our country and improve the perception we have of our economy and our products.


  • The U.S. is the first destination of Spanish exports and investments outside the EU.
  • 90 Spanish companies won tenders for more than 10,000 millioneuros during two years.
  • During the two year Plan, 66 Spanish companies have investedin the U.S..
  • More than 2,650 Spanishcompanies have participated in the Plan Made in / by.
  • The Business Forum Spain becomes a permanentforum for Spanish companies in the U.S.
  • Next year SBF will try to set the forum in all over the United States.

As a part of the partnership program that the Chamber is developing with the SDForum organization, all members are eligible to participate in the SDForum’s Investor Forum.

To apply for the June investor forum you must meet the following requirements: represent a technology company, be actively seeking for capital and have a product or demo by early May.

Read morewww.sdforum.org/Application

Creating this new California Spain Chamber of Commerce is a whole great step in the relationships between Spain and US but more specifically the West Coast which where the Spanish presence had no representation so far.

By joining the California Spain Chamber, you are becoming part of the history as one of THE PIONEERS who will help raise the presence and visibility of the Spanish Professional Community in California. We also want to invite all the American people and companies who are so interested in the many opportunities that Spain offer in itself and also as a door to Europe or LatinAmerica.

We have a long task ahead as the initial steps are always the harder, we have to build all the services, the networking and the community. To thank all those who are helping us make this possible, we are creating a special class of members: THE PIONEERS. This will become active very soon but now it’s your best chance to join us with a special 50% discount on any annual inscription.

You only need to use the special code: PROMO2010 during the enrollment process. It is simple:

  1. Visit the web www.californiaspainchamber.org. Click on the Membership tab and choose the category that suits your services needs or your company’s profile.
  2. Create your username and password.
  3. The next screen will show a confirmation of your username and password and request you to fill in your personal or company information.
    At the bottom you will see a message: If you have a coupon code, you can enter it on the Checkout Page to get a discount on your payment.
    Click on Continue to go to the next page.
  4. The chekout page confirms the information and at the bottom you are requested to now insert the code: PROMO2010
    You will now see the discount applied. Click on checkout.
  5. Proceed to the payment method as preferred. Either via PayPal or “Don’t have a PayPal” where you’ll be asked for debit or credit card info.

Thanks for becoming a member and a PIONEER in the professional collaboration and business trade between Spain and California. 

Top 10 Mobile Startups of 2011

Even in these challenging economic  times,  technology entrepreneurs continue to  dream big. Maybe it’s the allure of hitting the  jackpot like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg  or the thrill of dreaming up a hot new mobile hit  à la Groupon. Whatever their reasons,  business hopefuls continue to boldly found  technology companies and aggressively ply  their wares to consumers and venture capitalists alike. In fact, according to Dow Jones VentureSource, venture capital firms invested $25.1 billion in 2010 (year ending in September). That’s up 10 percent from the same period in 2009. While that’s a modest gain compared to previous boom years, its a sign that the Great Recession could be thawing.

Given that there are dozens of mobile tech companies hoping to get noticed in 2011, we wanted to recognize those that have the most potential. From space-based 4G cellular networks to shoes that track your location, these are the startups we’re most excited about.

Beau Bonneau Casting is doing outreach for Spanish Men & Women for extra work on “Hemingway and Gellhorn,” a wartime period film directed by Philip Kaufman.  Scenes set for 1930s Spain will shoot over 9 weekdays 3/8 – 3/18 in Oakland.  Availability for 5 – 9 days is ideal, but at minimum you must be available these 3 dates:  3/10, 3/11 and 3/14 for continuity purposes.  Background roles include:  Residents, Workers, Soldiers, Riflemen, Correspondents, and Photographers.  Extras must be approved from photos by the Director and attend a paid wardrobe fitting sometime after 2/7 in SF.

We are seeking Spaniards 18 – 75 yrs old with small to average statures and lean physiques and/or interesting and unique faces filled with character, expressive, lived-in or weathered looks.  Natural hair colors only:  brown, black, grey, or salt and pepper (no chunky highlights or ultra-modern styles).  Must be willing to get a paid haircut if necessary.

Rates/Employment:  Oakland Min. Wage is $8.00/hr = $64.00 for 8 hrs + overtime at time and ½ .  Shoots are typically 12hrs, starting early am into evening hours.  Production provides a meal + snacks and drinks.  U.S. citizens must have a current U.S. passport or valid Drivers License with either Social Security card or Birth Certificate.  Non U.S. citizens must have a valid Green Card or Permanent Resident Card with photo.


How to submit if available 3 or more days:

1. we need the following infomation:  Name, Age range (20s, 40s etc), Available dates: 3/8 – 3/11, 3/14 – 3/18, Cell #, Height, Weight & Sizes and 2 new color photos, a close up and standing view facing camera wearing casual but fitted clothes so we can see physique.  We want natural looks, hair and faces with little to no product/make-up.  We are looking for simple, clear digital camera type photos.   No Professional photos or posed glamour shots.

1. To submit:  You can either email submission to hgspain@gmail.com with Name, Age range in subject line and photos attached OR  Drop it off in person anytime Monday – Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm or 4:00pm 5:00pm.  Requested info must be clearly written on the back of each photo!  Beau Bonneau Casting is located at 84 1st Street, San Francisco, CA  94105, near Mission St. and 1 block from the Montgomery Bart Station.  Come in with a natural look and we may ask to take additional photos of you in our office.

Submitting does not guarantee employment.  We are casting specific types that need the Director’s approval and will contact you only if selected.  No phone calls please.   Thank You!

Beau Bonneau Casting


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama is calling for a six-year, $53 billion spending plan for high-speed rail, as he seeks to use infrastructure spending to jump-start job creation.

An initial $8 billion in spending will be part of the budget plan Obama is set to release Monday. If Congress approves the plan, the money would go toward developing or improving trains that travel up to 250 mph, and connecting existing rail lines to new projects. The White House wouldn’t say where the money for the rest of the program would come from, though it’s likely Obama would seek funding in future budgets or transportation bills.

Obama’s push for high-speed rail spending is part of his broad goal of creating jobs in the short-term and increasing American competitiveness for the future through new funding for infrastructure, education and innovation. During last month’s State of the Union address, Obama said he wanted to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail within 25 years.

Vice President Joe Biden, right, talks with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on a train heading to Philadelphia, Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011, and an event to tout plans to improve the nation’s infrastructure. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci))


At the same time he’s calling for new spending on sectors like high-speed rail in the upcoming budget, Obama also has pledged to cut overall spending as he seeks to bring down the nation’s mounting deficit. The White House has said environmental programs for the Great Lakes, and block grants for community service and community development are among the programs that will face cuts.

But it’s unlikely the cuts Obama proposes in the budget will be enough to appease the GOP.

Republicans now controlling the House have promised to slash domestic agencies’ budgets by nearly 20 percent for the coming year.

The White House has said cuts must be cautious, arguing that drastic reductions in spending could cause the still-fragile economic recovery to stall. Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday the administration wouldn’t compromise when it comes to spending on the infrastructure, education and innovation programs Obama is touting.

“We cannot compromise. The rest of the world is not compromising,” Biden said in Philadelphia at an event announcing the high-speed rail initiative.

Obama’s call for increased spending on high-speed rail projects is nothing new. He’s long seen the sector as an area of opportunity for creating jobs and improving the nation’s transportation system. His administration awarded $10 billion in federal grants for high-speed rail projects last year, including $2.3 billion for California to begin work on an 800-mile-long, high-speed rail line tying Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay area to Los Angeles and San Diego; and $1.25 billion to Florida to build a rail line connecting Tampa on the West Coast with Orlando in the middle of the state, eventually going south to Miami.


Vice President Joe Biden makes a phone call on a train at Union Station in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011, as he headed to an event in Philadelphia to tout plans to improve the nation’s infrastructure. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


Obama also laid out a plan last summer to invest $50 billion in high-speed rail, as well as highways, bridges, transit and airports, adding it to the first year of a six-year transportation bill. Congress didn’t act on the proposal before adjourning last year, but Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said he’s confident lawmakers will take up the measure again and deliver a bill to Obama by August.

Thus far, Obama’s plans to increase spending on high-speed rail have received a chilly a reception from Republicans. House Transportation Committee Chairman John Mica, R-Fla., urged the administration Tuesday to focus its spending on the crowded Northeast rail corridor, and not “squander limited taxpayer dollars on marginal projects.”

Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, the second-ranking House Republican, urged the administration to involve the business community in its high-speed rail plans.

“I’m not in favor of additional monies that we don’t have, to be spent on those projects, and would certainly look for ways to leverage the private sector to get it involved,” Cantor said.

The White House said the six-year rail plan would include strong “Buy America” requirements that attract private sector investment in developing and operating passenger lines, and would ultimately create tens of thousands of jobs in the U.S.


Associated Press Writers Joan Lowy and Alan Fram contributed to this report.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,” Albert Einstein said. This is exactly the approach ATW’s Regional Airline of the Year for 2011 adopted when the Spanish economy slid into a stinging recession at the end of 2008 and passenger numbers at Spain’s airports did the same. The unemployment rate in Europe’s fifth-largest economy reached almost 20% in 2009 and the GDP contracted 3.6% in the wake of the global financial crisis. In addition to this challenging environment, LCCs significantly increased their presence in the country. The combination led to an unprecedented drop in yields and pushed Air Nostrum into its first red ink in more than a decade.

But the Valencia-based regional did not sit back and wait for the market to recover; quite the opposite. It decided it was time to “reinvent” itself based on its still firm conviction that yields will never return to the levels of old. Management outlined a drastic plan to cut loss-making routes and reduce unit costs.

Under the Reshaping the Future plan, Air Nostrum terminated a contract with its flexible crew capacity provider, removed the second cabin attendant from its 50-seat transports, cut overhead and management salaries and grounded 11 50-seat aircraft as it reduced production by 24%. Simultaneously, it committed to long-term growth, purchasing 35 100-seat CRJ1000s for which it is the launch customer. The first two were delivered last December and a further six arrive this year. The CRJ1000 has full crew commonality with its CRJ200s and CRJ900s and will improve CASK significantly (32% lower compared to the CRJ200). It also committed to 10 ATR 72-600s, targeting an improvement in unit costs for its turboprop fleet as well. Taking advantage of the buyer’s market for aircraft in 2009, it got very favorable commercial terms and thereby was able to cushion most of the costs associated with the grounded fleet.

The recent cutbacks notwithstanding, Air Nostrum is an unqualified success story. It enjoyed robust growth after launching in December 1994 with one F50 and one route—Valencia-Bilbao. In the current winter schedule it operates 2,450 weekly flights on 100 routes, mainly in Spain, Italy and France, with a fleet of 63 aircraft comprising 48 CRJs, 10 Q300s and five ATR 72-500s. It is the largest Bombardier operator in Europe. Passenger numbers expanded from 260,000 in 1995 to close to 4.5 million last year.

It turned a profit from its second year of operations and continued to do so for 13 consecutive years through 2008, the year it also achieved record EBITDAR of €120 million on revenue of €677.4 million. It could not disclose financial results publicly when this was being written, but it confirmed to ATW that it was confident it would close 2010 in the black despite the lack of improvement in load factors and yields in the Spanish market.

“I believe the good relationship with our employees played a key role in the success of this very painful but necessary process. It was not easy for me [or] for my management team to rapidly change our ‘setup’ and move from growth to reduction in a period of just a few weeks. I am very proud of how we managed this completely new situation,” CEO Carlos Bertomeu tells this magazine, pointing out that the carrier implemented the comprehensive restructuring without any strikes and while preserving a good level of punctuality. In fact, it ranked sixth in the “2009 Global Major Carrier Arrival Performance Report” by Flightstats. It also remained true to its longstanding commitment to delivering excellent customer service.

Air Nostrum’s founding was based on three key ideas, Bertomeu says: The belief that there was a place for a regional carrier in Spain, that it would need to cooperate rather than compete with Iberia if it wanted to succeed and that having a strong shareholder (Nefinsa) was crucial to supporting its business plan and providing flexibility. It entered into an exclusive franchise agreement with IB in 1997 and since has operated successfully as Iberia Regional under the IB code. The regional assumes its own business risks and IB is responsible for commercialization of the flights.

Air Nostrum’s superb safety record and dedication to operational excellence, its track record of combining growth with successful financial performance, its management through the 2008-09 downturn and its commitment to future expansion make it a highly deserving recipient ofATW’s 2011 Regional Airline of the Year Award.

Lyndhurst, NJ – World- renowned chefs, Jose Andres, Ferran Adria and Juan Mari Arzak, infamously known around the world as the three innovators of modern Spanish cuisine, sat in an intense conversation for more than 2-hours discussing the significance of provoking emotion through food and elaborating on how Spanish cuisine has evoked “pure passion and entertainment” within the eating experience itself.

The event, entitled “ A Discussion with Friends: Ideas of Today, Foods of Tomorrow”, was well attended by over 300 guests, many consisting of chefs, students, media and culinary aficionados, packed the Albert Ballroom at the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills on Monday, January 3rd, just to get a glimpse of the great culinary geniuses all on one stage. Rarely do the public get an opportunity to witness all three men gather in one space to discuss their thoughts on cooking and invite the participation of a question and answer session.

Andrés boldly stated “We create a language, emotion, provocation, sense of humor, reflection… what happens in life is mirrored by what happens in the kitchen.” Arzak followed up with a clever remark of “We’ve developed a cuisine for non-cowards”, the audience laughed and ate it up.

Fagor America, the world leader in induction cooktop technology and a wholly owned subsidiary of Fagor Electrodomesticos, based in Spain, is thrilled to have been a sponsor of this historical event. This gathering was also a celebration of the second anniversary of the opening of Jose Andres’ 4- star restaurant, “The Bazaar by Jose Andres”, which has been packed with admirers since the doors first opened at the SLS Hotel.

Juan Mari Arzak’s contribution to the culinary world is immeasurable. He is known as the founder of “the New Basque cuisine”, which has, in all respect, created a strong brotherly bond between the three men and has influenced Adria and Andres in their ground-breaking style of cooking. Ferran Adria, who is recognized as one of the best chef in the world, is the owner of the much admired “El Bulli” restaurant in Roses, Spain, where the food can only be best described as “an experience that will give you sensual and intellectual pleasure”. Over the years, the two legends have created ideas and collaborated on dishes that ultimately created a new serge of chefs like Jose Andres.

The exciting and sometimes intense discussion between the men concluded later in the evening as guests were ushered outside into the reception area to be greeted by delectable samples of Jose Andres’ culinary delights. Guests were anxious at the possibility of having their picture taken with one of the great chefs or even a short personal conversational exchange that would inspire them for years to come.

While eating, many of the guests were also being introduced to Fagor’s beautifully innovative appliances that were on display in the reception area. Guests had a chance to handle and admire the magnificent inside-by-side Black Art refrigerators, the flawless stainless steel cooking center, the efficient induction cooktop and the 24” stainless steel built-in single oven. The evening was truly full of culinary surprises.

“To have the rare opportunity to present three of the most significant chefs of our time on one stage is quite an achievement” stated Patricio Barriga, President of Fagor America. “Each of these men, in their own very unique way, has forever changed the look and feel of how Spanish cuisine is enjoyed around the world. It has been a privilege for Fagor America to have had the opportunity to share this unique experience with everyone.”

About Fagor America Inc.

Fagor America Inc, headquartered in Lyndhurst, NJ, USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fagor Electrodomesticos, Spain. The Fagor brand is marketed in 100 countries. Fagor Electrodomesticos employs more than 12,000 people in 17 countries and operates 16 factories in three continents. Fagor is the worldwide leader in built-in induction cook tops, the leading appliance manufacturer in both Spain and France and the fifth largest appliance manufacturer in Europe.

Present in the US since 1992 with high-quality stainless steel cookware as the core product offering, today Fagor’s North American appliance line consists of induction, gas & radiant cooktops, refrigerators, dishwashers, convection ovens & range hoods. Fagor products bring together efficient, eco-friendly European styling tailored to American consumer’s needs. They are distinguished for having beautifully designed products constructed from the finest materials, and are user friendly and consistently reliable.



For more information: www.fagoramerica.com